Dive into calmness & slowing down, featuring:
* Easy Guided Meditation + Gentle Chair/Standing Yoga, by Casey Hubbell (Yoga Wild)
* Exploring Your Values + Aligning Your Efforts, by Allison (Allison Bishins Consulting)
Register: http://www.allisonbishins.com/.../slow-down-to-catch-up...
This workshop - held on Zoom in an interactive format - is geared towards busy professionals, business owners, students, and parents. The workshop is open to all self identifying cis and trans women and non-binary folx comfortable in women-centered spaces.
Age 18+ or 14+ with an adult.
Early bird price before May 28: $20
Price May 29-June 2: $25
About the workshop elements:
* CASEY will help us learn meditation techniques and super gentle yoga used to reduce stress, improve memory and focus, increase emotional control, and heighten self-observation and introspection.
* ALLISON will walk the group through a priority setting exercise (adapted from The 7 Minute Life) and lead a group discussion on how to align our effort and energy with our priorities.
Contact allisonbishins@gmail.com with any questions, or if you need to pay via Square (website link is PayPal.)
Cancellation policy: www.allisonbishins.com/cancellationpolicy